Why You Should Need A Baby Lounger?


baby lounger


1. What is the baby lounger?

A baby lounger comes in the form of a cushion that can provide proper support to your baby and hug your baby. The versatile lounger is suitable for giving floor playtime to your baby, nursing the baby, or tummy time for the baby.

The nested design means that the baby will have a snuggly feeling in it. Nevertheless, it is always good to supervise the baby when they are in the baby lounger.

A baby lounger is so versatile that you can easily place a play gym over it, which will help the baby indulge in some fun time and develop the senses.

Now that you know what exactly a baby lounger is, it is time to understand its necessity and safety.

(1)Do I need a baby lounger?

The baby lounger can provide you with an easy and safe place to put your baby down. After that, you can indulge in various household chores like folding the laundry, cleaning the kitchen countertop, or just grabbing a sandwich. All this while the baby stays in a safe place in front of you.

Aren't those few minutes valuable as a parent?

That is the reason why you need a baby lounger.

Whether you are a first-time parent or raised an infant before, you would agree that raising a baby is not an easy task.

At one time or the other, you would have searched for a safe place to put down the baby. The problem is that if you're not near a bed or an excellent area to put down your baby, you will have to hold the baby for a long time. That can be tiring and cumbersome.

(2)Are baby loungers safe?

A Baby lounger, especially from reputed brands, is pretty safe. However, it is good to supervise your baby when they are on the lounger. Besides that, you can take a few extra steps to ensure that the baby lounger is entirely safe for your baby. These are:

• You should always place the baby lounger on the floor. It would be best if you did not place it on any platform, bed, or table.
• It is not advisable to use the baby lounger for co-sleeping.
• You shouldn't use the baby lounger inside a bassinet or crib.
• If you're using the baby lounger to provide tummy time, you should closely monitor your baby.
• If your infant is just a couple of months old, providing tummy time is not a good idea. According to the government guidelines, you should lay down the infant on their back.
• While putting the baby in the baby lounger, make sure that there are no obstacles on the sleep surface. Also, nothing should hamper access to fresh air.

When you follow this handful of tips, you can ensure that the baby lounger is entirely safe for your baby.

(3)How to safely use a baby lounger?

The procedure to use a baby lounger safely is pretty simple.

Step 1: You have to place the baby lounger on the floor. You have to ensure that it is fully open.
Step 2: You have to remove any obstacles or stuff on the sleeping area or the side of the baby lounger.
Step 3: You have to place the baby slowly and smoothly on the baby lounger. Ideally, the back of the baby should be on the lounger. The baby should face upwards.
Step 4: While the baby is in the baby lounger, you should consistently supervise the baby.

When you follow these four simple steps, it is effortless to use the baby lounger safely.

(4)Can a baby sleep in a lounger?

Yes, you can make the baby sleep in the lounger but only for a limited time.

During the first couple of months, babies are likely to sleep for 16 to 17 hours a day. However, the entire time the baby should not be in the lounger.

If you're using the lounger to make the baby sleep, it is a good idea to use a sleeping lounger. Nested baby loungers can provide proper support to the baby during sleep. Even then, you don't have to let the baby sleep for more than 1 hour.

If the baby frequently falls asleep in such loungers, moving the baby to a surface like a bassinet or a crib is better. That will provide more support to the baby, which will help them have a sound sleep.

newborn loungers

2. What are the benefits of using a baby nest lounger sleeper?

Nested Baby lounger sleepers can serve multiple applications. However, one of the most popular ones is the nested loungers.

Wondering about the advantages of the same?

Worry not!

We will share with you two advantages of such a lounger below.


The number 1 advantage of a nested baby lounger is that you can place it almost anywhere. All you need is a flat floor.

It does not matter whether you're in your living room or whether you're in your bedroom; you can place it on the floor.

The area which it needs is limited as well.

Not only that, it is portable. That is why; carrying it from one room to another is certainly possible and easy.

When you look at these factors cumulatively, it is easy to understand why it is so convenient.

(2)Multiple functionalities

The baby lounger can serve a lot of different applications. If you were to buy separate beds for the baby for the same, you might have to spend a lot.

The multiple functionalities that such a lounger can serve are:

Play area:
It can efficiently serve as a playing area for the baby. The nested design means that the baby will remain in the lounger. Thus, you need not worry about the baby moving out of the lounger.

You can easily install a play gym around the lounger as well. Once you do so, the baby can remain entertained for hours together.

Resting area:
If you want to keep the baby down for a few minutes, the lounger is also a great way to do so. It can work as the resting area for the baby.

The snuggly feeling which a lounger provides to the baby can comfort and calm down the baby. That is why; it works as a resting area.

Comforting to the baby:
The snuggly feeling, as well as the soft material of the lounger, can work wonders for the baby.

Not only that, the snuggly feeling can make the baby fall asleep. That is why; it is very comforting for the baby.

Nursing pillow:
Did you know that you can use a baby lounger for nursing?

If you're planning to buy a nursing pillow exclusively for breastfeeding the baby, now there is no need. You can use the baby lounger for the same as well. Since it is lightweight, you can carry it around easily.

Help the baby sleep:
We are speaking about the nested baby lounger sleepers here. That is why; such loungers can easily make your baby sleep. If you're busy and do not have the time to make the baby sleep, you can just put the baby down in the lounger. The nested design will comfort the baby and make them sleep.

As you can see, a nested baby lounger sleeper can serve a variety of functions. The versatility of the baby lounger is another reason you should go for it.

3. Buying guide: Choose the best baby best lounger

When you search for a baby lounger, you will realize that there are hundreds of options available. It is not that easy to pick the best baby lounger. That is why; today, we will share with you seven things to consider while comparing such loungers. Once you judge them on the seven factors, choosing the best lounger is easy.


The 1st thing to look at in the lounger is the material. The material comes in contact with the baby's skin. That is why you cannot ignore the same.

If it is made from soft material like organic cotton, it is gentle on your baby and breathable. Essentially, you're looking for a lounger made from soft fabric and does not heat your baby.

An excellent example of such a comfortable lounger is the TotAha Superior Baby lounger. It uses organic cotton (Australian origin), which hasn't gone undergone any chemical treatment. The lounger is breathable and helps you regulate the temperature of the baby because of the breathable design. In a nutshell, it ticks all the boxes when it comes to a lounger with suitable material.


Did you know that the baby loungers are available in different sizes?

While comparing different baby loungers, you will come across the dimensions. 

Here we still recommend TotAha baby loungers. Why? The TotAha newborn loungers last you longer because you can open and extend the end of it when the baby's legs get longer and it's more prominent in size. The TotAha newborn loungers measure ‎29 x 18 x 5.7 inches and are suitable for babies up to 12 months. 

Either way, you cannot ignore the size of the baby lounger while choosing one.


To ensure that the lounger can serve many different applications, you might have to move it from one room to another. Not only that, when going on a longer trip, you might have to store it in your car as well.

All this is only possible when it is lightweight. That is why you have to look at the weight of the lounger and then take a call.

Of course, the lighter the lounger, the better it is. However, you shouldn't just look at the weight but also the quality of materials.

The weight of the TotAha baby lounger nest is 4.2pounds and can be easily foldable when you go outside. We also have a portable bag as a gift if you buy our baby nest lounger. It's a good choice for your, right?


While comparing the loungers, you will find that there are many designs. However, if you want a safe and secure lounger for your baby, it is a good idea to go with the firm one.

TotAha baby nest loungers it is firm & shaped. So there is no risk of babe rolling into soft edges etc. You could pop it on the table, bench or couch right next to us. It will be great!

Besides that, the Superior baby nest sleeper is created to mimic the womb, a great ideal spot for babies for more secured care of lounging, playing, cuddling, diaper changes, and tummy time. You can use TotAha baby nest loungers on the floor, sofa, carpet, crib, living room, and all around the house. The double-handle and portable design is also meant to take for outdoor or travel uses.

Besides the structure, you have to look at the aesthetics of the baby lounger as well. Since you are buying it for your baby, it is good to buy it in aesthetically pleasing colors.

Now, TotAha baby nest loungers have 14 patterns. It can help you to make many choices.
Watercolor Elephant
Magic Castle
Meredith Allover Floral
Elephant Heirloom
Dakota Woodland
Light Pink
Belgian Elephant

Only when you take both these factors into account can you choose the baby lounger with the right design.

(5)Purpose of your baby lounger:

We have highlighted that the baby lounger can serve a lot of purposes. However, not every baby lounger is designed for every application.

Many of them are made for a specific purpose, like providing a play area or nursing the baby. If you're expecting a versatile one, do take into account its purpose is to avoid disappointment.

Only when you're sure that the baby lounger can serve various applications can you go ahead with it. Btw, TotAha baby nest is a good choice for you.

(6)Covers of baby lounger:

Of course, since the baby will be resting on it or playing on it, the cover can get dirty. That is why, before you get disappointed by the cover of the baby lounger, it is essential to find out everything about the covers.

When you're taking into account the covers, consider things like:

• Ease of removal and installation:
Ideally, you need a lounger cover that is easy to remove and install. 

• Cleaning mechanism:
The only reason why you will remove the cover should be to clean it. You should only buy the baby lounger when the cover is easy to wash in the machine. That way, you will not have to put in a lot of effort in cleaning it.

• Softness:
Of course, the cover is the part of the lounger which is in contact with your baby. That is why it should be incredibly soft.

Only when you judge the cover on these three parameters can you choose the lounger with the right cover.

Do not want to spend a lot of time researching the cover?

If so, once again, TotAha Superior lounger shines in this department as well. Firstly, the existing cover is of organic cotton and is very soft. If you need to get a replacement for some reason, it allows you to buy only the TotAha Spare Cover. The spare cover is once again made from 100% cotton and is machine washable. Not only that, it has child-safe zippers, which makes it easy to use.BTW, you can use the TotAha baby loungers cover in the DockAtot Deluxe cover.

Going with TotAha, whether for the baby lounger or the cover, is like a cheat code since these tick all the boxes and save you hours in research.

(7)Replacement parts:

The design of the lounger is such that it can easily last for three years or more. The problem is that your little one will outgrow the lounger by that time.

Nevertheless, if you plan to gift it to someone else or use it for your future newborn, it should stand the test of time.

While most other parts of the lounger do not suffer from extensive wear and tear, but the cover is the one that suffers the most.

That is why, when choosing a lounger, make sure that you can find the replacement parts. For example, When you find replacement covers, you will be able to increase the life span of the lounger quickly. That is another parameter to consider.

Choosing the right one indeed becomes easy once you compare the different baby loungers on the seven parameters.

I have some questions regarding baby loungers?

Worry not!

We will answer some FAQs related to baby loungers below.


 (1)What is the purpose of a baby lounger?

A baby lounger can help you provide a resting area for the baby, making the baby sleep, nursing the baby, and more. It is pretty versatile.

(2)How long can my baby use the TotAha lounger?

Your baby can use the TotAha lounger from 0-12month months. 

(3)Can I wash my TotAha baby lounger?

Yes, you can wash TotAha baby loungers. They are machine compatible. That is why; you can wash them on the delicate cycle and use cold water.
After washing, you can dry the lounger on low heat as well. That is why cleaning it is undoubtedly easy.


So, a baby lounger is comfortable for the baby and provides the parents a safe place to keep their newborns down. Not only that, baby loungers are pretty versatile as they can serve as a flat play area, work as a nursing pillow, etc. That is why, if you haven't yet bought one for your newborn, it is time to do so now.

For more product purchase information, please refer to TotAha Baby Loungers


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